Genre: Adventure, Animated, Kids
Language: Hindi
Synopsis Slated to hit big screens in style afresh; little Hanuman beckons you with his unparalleled charm, character and delightful pranks. He is powerful, intelligent and ready to take on the world. The irresistible mythological darling aspires to woo children and adults alike with his wit, energy and persona in this master sequel.
The movie begins with Hanuman expressing his desire to Brahma to make him a kid again. Brahma agrees and Hanuman is born, in modern times, to a pundit and his wife named, Sheila. Understanding that their child is special, they name him Maruti. Soon, little Maruti battles the evils of the world bravely and does everything to make this world a harmonious place to live in.
Unlike the previous one, the movie will include many more characters: Villains like one-eyed man, Rahu-Ketu, Aghori and Guru Shukracharya add spice and fun in the film. Of course, good prevails over evil in the end. A fun flick to watch out for!